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Employment Standards

Employment Standards is the government body that deals with workplace rights and responsibilities in Saskatchewan. They deal with pay, work days, time off and leaving or losing a job. They also handle complaints about violations of workplace rights or responsibilities.

Federally-regulated businesses are regulated by the Canada Labour Code.

Employment standards law does not cover some types of employees and employers. These include:

  • self-employed people who do not have employees
  • family businesses
  • babysitters
  • student learners
  • athletes participating in athletic activities
  • federally-regulated businesses such as banks, airports, railways and television broadcasting


Rules about pay deal with more than just minimum wage. There are also rules about things such as how payments are made, deductions, statements of earnings, uniforms and call-out pay.

Hours of Work

There are many rules about scheduled work hours, time off between shifts and overtime. It is important for both employers and employees to understand these rights and responsibilities.

Time Off

Scheduled time away from work is critical for balancing work with everything else that life demands. Whether it is vacation time or leave to deal with a particular matter, employees have certain rights.

Leaving or Losing Your Job

Employees have certain protections in place to safeguard their job and provide for notice if they are being let go.

Workplace Complaints

If you are concerned that your employment rights may have been violated, you can file a complaint. Employment Standards can investigate the matter and take actions to remedy the situation.

PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training

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About PLEA

PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.